Hello Corporate

Become an Expert With This Hello Corporate Course

Welcome to our dynamic and transformative "Hello Corporate" course, where we equip students and aspirants with the essential skills to navigate the ever-changing landscape of the business world. Are you a driven individual ready to bridge the gap between academia and the corporate realm? Look no further! Our program is specifically designed to empower you with the necessary tools and competencies to excel in today's fast-paced and dynamic professional environment.

In the "Hello Corporate" course, we understand that success in the corporate world goes beyond academic achievements. We focus on honing your interpersonal skills, decision-making abilities, and managerial capabilities required to navigate diverse teams and ever-evolving business priorities.

Early Bird Discount Available

Duration - 40 Hours

Mode: Online | Offline [Both Available]

Embark on this transformative journey with us and unlock your full potential. Prepare to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, and position yourself as a sought-after professional who can thrive in the ever-changing corporate landscape. The path to a successful transition from campus to corporate starts here. Are you ready to embark on this transformative learning experience?

Benefits of Doing This Course

  • Seamless Transition
  • Practical Skills Development
  • Industry Relevance
  • Networking Opportunities
  • Corporate Exposure
  • Personal Development
  • Mentorship and Guidance
  • Enhanced Marketability
  • Networking and Collaboration
  • Recognized Certification

Who Should Enroll This Course

Our Hello Corporate Program is ideally suited for a wide range of individuals who are seeking to transition from a campus environment to the corporate world. The course is particularly suitable for:

Course Content


  • Ice Breaker
  • Why are we here?
  • Learning | Implementation | Upgradation
  • Learning Objectives | Expectation Settings
  • Student to Employee | The Transition
  • Set a Path for Smooth Sailing
  • Professional Image | Why
  • Creating an Impactful Persona
  • Establishing Credibility
  • Change is the Only Constant | Enjoy it!
  • Think Positively | Live Merrily
  • Solution’ way of thinking
  • Confidence Building
  • Be the Change and See the Change

Interpersonal Skills

  • Understand the Power and Effective Process of Sharing Constructive Performance
  • Feedback – What, So What & Now What - The Role of Seeking Behaviour
  • Developmental Feedback – The BOOST Approach
  • Challenging Belief Systems to Explore and Create Breakthrough Orientation
  • Understanding Emotional-Awareness
  • Strong Relationship to Yourself for Better Relationship with Others
  • Obstacles in Emotional-Awareness (EI)
  • PAC Model and Positive Attitude
  • Johari Window - Understand the Window of Self
  • Operating with Sensitivity and Authenticity – Power of Sharing Confirmatory Constructive Feedback - Giving & Receiving

Communication Skills

  • Communication Vs. Quality Communication
  • Verbal
  • Rhetorical Triangle
  • Body Language | It Speaks a Lot
  • Active Observing & Listening | The Source of Understanding
  • Pro-activeness
  • The Art of Effective Probing
  • Assertive
  • Modulation | The Emotions in Voice


  • The 7 C’s of Email Writing
  • The Right Font, Size, Colour
  • Using the Right Language and Tone in the Emails
  • Dos and Don'ts of Writing, such as no blind copying, ensuring a signature, highlighting urgency/importance, avoiding long-winding sentences, etc.
  • Explain Email Rules Specific to Attain Effective Communication Apart from Grammatical, Professional, and Readability Standards Followed
  • Tips to Improve Email Writing

Understanding the importance of positive language in written communication

  • Assertive Vs. Aggressive Writing
  • How to Convert Negative Language to Positive
  • Handling Flame Wars
  • Phrases to Be Avoided
  • Words to Be Refrained From
  • The Impact of Positive Language

Conference call etiquette

  • To Discuss Characteristics of Communication Over Phone and Challenges Associated with Phone Communication and a Basic Phone Conversation Structure
  • To Understand Essential Techniques to Make Communication Effective Where Voice Alone Plays an Important Role
  • To List Tips on Using the Hold Functionality and Transferring Calls
  • Introduction to the PICTURE Technique, Key Elements to Watch Out For
  • Discuss crucial steps while placing a colleague or client on hold and transferring calls
P- PitchI- InflectionC- CourtesyT- ToneU- Understanding R- Rate of SpeechE- Enunciation

Time Management

  • Prioritizing
  • Scheduling
  • Managing Interruption
      Important Tools
    • Urgency Vs Importance Matrix
    • Prioritization Grid
    • Planning & Scheduling
      Working Upon Common Obstacles to Time Management
    • Procrastination
    • Schedule overload
    • Email overload
    • Mismanaged meetings
    • Distractions
    • Interruptions
    • Phone Calls

Outlook Management

  • Send Calendar Invites and Set Calendar Events
  • Personal Information Management
  • Save important emails, calendar events, and notes
  • Schedule delivery of an email

Assertiveness Skills

  • Finer Communication Nuances – Verbal, Vocal, and Visual
  • The Importance of Facilitative Language & the Art of Asking Questions
  • Managing Difficult Behaviours - The Art of Assertion
  • Problem v/s Solution
  • Decision Making
  • Team Work and Collaboration - Team Building (Inside and Outside Office)

Customer Orientation

  • Mastering Customer Interactions Program
  • What Do Customers Want
  • The Thing Called "Loyalty"
  • Customer Satisfaction - Dissatisfaction - Satisfaction - Delightment

Customer service as a relationship building tool

  • Right Knowledge, Skills and Attitude Needed for Complaint Handling Objections Handling with Assertiveness

Managing crucial conversations with clients/customers

  • Customer Types and Their Expectations
  • Customer Service Techniques
  • Communication is the Key